Let's do a vote.

Let's do a vote.

By Briek Epsiom
4 years ago

Okay, ****s-for-eyes.


Which would you ****ers want to see? An original, and completed track from yours truly, the song almost a month in making which I've titled Desert Prince?




Would you like to see me doing some epic rap bars? And, I don't mean like the ones on here. I mean, chopper rap. Lyricism. The kind of double entendres that you see from legit rappers.


I'll give keep the vote up until tomorrow. Then, one or the other, you shall all see the end results. Cuz, it's been almost 6 months since I've made any music of my own. Might as well give ya'll something nice.


Tell me your choice in the comments.

    Briek Epsiom

    Briek Epsiom

    A boring ****** who you don't need to know much about. Everyone is valid in my messages. I'll always listen to your problems. HOWEVER. Stop ****ing spamming my **** with your friend requests. I'm not your bff. Big bro to Tae and Angie
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