Everything You Want to Know about Virtual Instruments

As more and more musicians take to digital music making applications, they are exposed to a whole of bunch of virtual instruments and tools. In fact, access to virtual instruments is considered as one of the biggest advantages of these music making applications that allow both amateurs and veterans to make music online free. So, … Continue reading “Everything You Want to Know about Virtual Instruments”

We’ve only just begun!

Dancing, Electric, Lights, Crowds; all indicators there’s an EDM artist playing and you may nor may not be feeling the music internally from the hitting of the bass. But what other way is there to experience the electronic dance music movement?! That’s the sense you get when you jump onto the SnapJam page and mix … Continue reading “We’ve only just begun!”

We’ve launched!!

This is an exciting time in the Country Music world as well as for our company. If you’ve not had a moment to jump on over to the site to see what all the yelling from the mountain top is all about, we don’t mind if you take a minute to do so. We as … Continue reading “We’ve launched!!”